2024 Key Indicators: Projected Population: 10.4M, Inflation: 29.05%, Annual School Census: 2.7M

Market Price watch(**/Sold Loose): Kaduna North (First Week October 2024): Rice Imported (High Quality): N3000, Rice, Agric (Low Quality): N2700, Rice Local:N2500, Beans (White, Black Eye):N2800, Irish Potato (4 Litre Rubber):N3500, Tomato Fresh (4 Litre Rubber):N1500, Onion (4 Litre Rubber):N2500, Pepper Fresh (4 Litre Rubber):N3000,Maize (White):N950, Sorghum(White)N1400, Millet(Gero or Maiwa): N1200, Click for more

Market Price watch(**/Sold Loose): Kaduna South (First Week October 2024): Rice Imported (High Quality): N3000, Rice, Agric (Low Quality): N3000, Rice Local:N2400, Beans (White, Black Eye):N3000, Irish Potato (4 Litre Rubber):N4000, Tomato Fresh (4 Litre Rubber):N1200, Onion (4 Litre Rubber):N3000, Pepper Fresh (4 Litre Rubber):N3000,Maize (White):N700, Sorghum(White)N1300, Millet(Gero or Maiwa): N1100, Click for more

Market Price watch(**/Sold Loose): Zaria (First Week October 2024): Rice Imported (High Quality): N3000, Rice, Agric (Low Quality): N2800, Rice Local:N2300, Beans (White, Black Eye):N2500, Irish Potato (4 Litre Rubber):N4000, Tomato Fresh (4 Litre Rubber):N1500, Onion (4 Litre Rubber):N3000, Pepper Fresh (4 Litre Rubber):N3000,Maize (White):N1100, Sorghum(White)N1200, Millet(Gero or Maiwa): N1300,  Click for more

Market Price watch(**/Sold Loose): Jemma’a (First Week October 2024): Rice Imported (High Quality): N3000, Rice, Agric (Low Quality): N2800, Rice Local:N2500, Beans (White, Black Eye):N3000, Irish Potato (4 Litre Rubber):N3700, Tomato Fresh (4 Litre Rubber):N1700, Onion (4 Litre Rubber):N3000, Pepper Fresh (4 Litre Rubber):N3000,Maize (White):N700, Sorghum(White)N1000, Millet(Gero or Maiwa): N1200,  Click for more

Market Price watch(**/Sold Loose): State Average (First Week October 2024): Rice Imported (High Quality): N3047.39, Rice, Agric (Low Quality): N2804.35, Rice Local:N2330.43, Beans (White, Black Eye):N2889.260, Irish Potato (4 Litre Rubber):N3726.09, Tomato Fresh (4 Litre Rubber):N1530.43, Onion (4 Litre Rubber):N2739.13, Pepper Fresh (4 Litre Rubber):N3065.22,Maize (White):N1023.91, Sorghum(White)N1221.74, Millet(Gero or Maiwa): N1289.13,  Click for more

Better data and statistics will help governments track progress and make sure their decisions are evidence-based; they can also strengthen accountability. A true data revolution would draw from an existing and new source of data to fully integrate statistics into decision making, promote open access to, and use of data and ensure increase support for statistical system





The answer to the ‘Why data revolution’ can be summarized from a UN High-Level Panel report. which says: “Better data and statistics will help governments track progress and make sure their decisions are evidence-based; they can also strengthen accountability. A true data revolution would draw from an existing and new source of data to fully integrate statistics into decision making, promote open access to, and use of data and ensure increase support for statistical system.” (HLP Report, P23).

His Excellency, the Kaduna State Governor in the just concluded Kaduna SDGs Acceleration Conference reaffirmed the commitment of the State towards achieving the data revolution. He surmises this point by saying:

“We believe that evidence-based data improves our decision-making process by indicating which outcomes are more realistic and how much is required to fund the programmes so as to ensure that no one is left behind.

For us in Kaduna state, data drives our policy formulation in a manner that provides unprecedented insights into the choices, opportunity costs, and the tough decisions we need to take if we are to achieve the SDGs.Therefore, we are investing heavily in our state statistical system through our data revolution plan.

Today as part of our commitment to data revolution, we are laying the foundation for the AMINA J. MOHAMMED SDGS Data Lab Building.”


KDBS was established under law (No. 3) as an official source of data in Kaduna State. As a parastatal under the Planning & Budget Commission, its mandate include to produce accurate, reliable and timely data both as standalone or in collaboration with MDAs and/or International agencies. KDBS collects data through 2 major ways:

  1. System of Administrative
  2. Statistics (SAS) and Censuses/Surveys.

To further confirm the commitment of the State towards use of data for decision making, Kaduna State is the first State in Nigeria to launch a Data Revolution Plan in October 2015 with the Kaduna Bureau of Statistics (KDBS) given the mandate to drive the data revolution masterplan in the State. KDBS is conscious of the place of data in giving the decision makers the power to explore and make predictions using data for the betterment of the citizenry. In this regard, the Kaduna State Bureau of Statistics has carried out more than 12 surveys and 3 censuses since the declaration of data revolution plan in 2015.

Last year, the Bureau carried out 2017 Kaduna State Gross Domestic Product (KDGDP), Kaduna State Health facility Census (KADHFC) and Kaduna Health Indicator Survey (KADHIS). The major aim of these surveys is to fill the data gap and provide the needed information for evidence-based planning and monitoring of the SDGs implementation, State Development Plan and their accompanying performance frameworks.

In order to effectively carry out this mandate, The Bureau is undergoing various stages of reform. The Bureau carries out its surveys using an e-platform(Electronic Device), develops its survey plan in accordance to world standard guidelines as provided by MICS, NDHS, SMART, ISIC, National Account, FAO etc., analyzes its data using world renown software, EXCEL, SPSS, STATA and TABLEAU.

Through the Support of the Gates Foundation, the Bureau now has a well-functioning website(www.kdbs.ng), Health Facility Directory and Technology transfer of the GRID3 platform from the national grid infrastructure to KDBS with accompany training programs on Spatial data management: Data analysis and visualization using Tableau, Kibana, microplanning, Remote sensing, Map Automation, POSTSQL and POSTGRESS, MAP Creation, Boundary creation, creation of MBTILEs.

KDBS acknowledges the importance of upscaling technical knowledge on generating and management of both Spatial and Non-Spatial data. The Staff of Bureau are getting more equipped and motivated to carry out their job more effectively.

The data center when fully constructed will still provide more needed equipment for the data revolution drive in Kaduna State. KDBS is developing a strong matrix that will propel it to the upper echelon of the world of Data Science. To achieve this feat, Dr Pali , the former Statistician General of South Africa is working with the KDBS through the Gates Foundation to operationalize the reforms around the data revolution plan.

In December 2018, KDBS team and its team of consultants visited a number of stakeholders as part of the process of improving the state statistical system. These outcomes were disaggregated into four main components namely: Stakeholders, Internal,Learning and Finance. The disaggregated components will guide the Bureau to better understand the activities/reforms that are urgently needed to achieve scale around the use of data for decision making.

In accordance to the principle guiding the Bureau, stakeholder engagements is one of the tools for improving service delivery. The Bureau carried out its first 2019 State Consultative Committee on Statistics meeting, which is a platform where stakeholders gather together to deliberate on how to improve the state statistical system. In this regard, I made a number of presentation on the Reform Agenda for this year. One of the key point that emanated from the presentation was the convergence of SDGs Data Mapping and the State Development Plan into a unified data pool.

This Reform Agenda was generally accepted by stakeholders as the most practical approach to operationalizing the data revolution plan and will have a net positive effect on the state statistical system.

KDBS has put much importance in collecting quality, accurate, reliable and timely data that will inform decision making. As part of the data revolution plan, KDBS has integrated the Academic community especially University students during data collection activities.

The students are trained on data collection methods, qualities of a good enumerator and as well as exposure to field experience. The aim is to give them practical, hands-on experience which may not be frequent and practical when compared to our field activities.

Our Field team work assiduously, with great commitment in gathering accurate data which are processed and analyzed to produce reliable information. Collecting quality data is part of our DNA as we believe in developing monitoring tools (e.g in-built quality check in the digitalize form, setting up quality checks using technology and human presence).

We have also developed an inclusive mechanism of collecting data from high risk areas to ensure balanced and fair coverage. We reach out to remote areas by passing through thick forest, crossing many streams & rivers, climbing mountains, traveling along dreaded roads, all in pursuit of data for evidence based decision making.


I will like to make my concluding statement by administering this final Data Therapy by Rahulbot, “YOU DON’T NEED A DATA SCIENTIST BUT A DATA CULTURE”. To us in KDBS, collecting accurate, reliable and timely data for evidence-based decision making continues to be our mantra. Whatever we plan to achieve as individuals, organization or government must be based on facts, logic and common good.