2024 Key Indicators: Projected Population: 10.4M, Inflation: 29.05%, Annual School Census: 2.7M

Market Price watch(**/Sold Loose): Kaduna North (Third Week June 2024): Rice Imported (High Quality): N3000, Rice, Agric (Low Quality): N2600, Rice Local:N2000, Beans (White, Black Eye):N2000, Irish Potato (4 Litre Rubber):N4000, Tomato Fresh (4 Litre Rubber):N1000, Onion (4 Litre Rubber):N1500, Pepper Fresh (4 Litre Rubber):N1500,Maize (White):N900, Sorghum(White)N1000, Millet(Gero or Maiwa): N1000, Click for more

Market Price watch(**/Sold Loose): Kaduna South (Third Week June 2024): Rice Imported (High Quality): N2500, Rice, Agric (Low Quality): N2200, Rice Local:N2000, Beans (White, Black Eye):N1800, Irish Potato (4 Litre Rubber):N3500, Tomato Fresh (4 Litre Rubber):N1200, Onion (4 Litre Rubber):N1500, Pepper Fresh (4 Litre Rubber):N3500,Maize (White):N900, Sorghum(White)N900, Millet(Gero or Maiwa): N100, Click for m#ore

Market Price watch(**/Sold Loose): Zaria (Third Week June 2024): Rice Imported (High Quality): N2700, Rice, Agric (Low Quality): N2500, Rice Local:N1800, Beans (White, Black Eye):N1800, Irish Potato (4 Litre Rubber):N3000, Tomato Fresh (4 Litre Rubber):N1000, Onion (4 Litre Rubber):N1500, Pepper Fresh (4 Litre Rubber):N2000,Maize (White):N500, Sorghum(White)N700, Millet(Gero or Maiwa): N800,  Click for more

Market Price watch(**/Sold Loose): Jemma’a (Third Week June 2024): Rice Imported (High Quality): N2500, Rice, Agric (Low Quality): N2200, Rice Local:N1800, Beans (White, Black Eye):N1800, Irish Potato (4 Litre Rubber):N3500, Tomato Fresh (4 Litre Rubber):N2500, Onion (4 Litre Rubber):N2000, Pepper Fresh (4 Litre Rubber):N3500,Maize (White):N650, Sorghum(White)N700, Millet(Gero or Maiwa): N800,  Click for more

Market Price watch(**/Sold Loose): State Average (Third Week June 2024): Rice Imported (High Quality): N2721.74, Rice, Agric (Low Quality): N2352.17, Rice Local:N1830.43, Beans (White, Black Eye):N1660.87, Irish Potato (4 Litre Rubber):N3334.78, Tomato Fresh (4 Litre Rubber):N1469.78, Onion (4 Litre Rubber):N2513.04, Pepper Fresh (4 Litre Rubber):N2956.52,Maize (White):N766.30, Sorghum(White)N784.78, Millet(Gero or Maiwa): N835.87,  Click for more

Kaduna State GDP Report, 2021

Publication date:



The Kaduna State Bureau of Statistics produces the State’s Gross Domestic Product (SGDP) on annual basis in collaboration with the National Bureau of Statistics. This helps to provide information on the economic performance of the state meant to strengthen decision and policymaking. The KDSGDP shows the aggregate growth of the economy, the growth of individual sectors as well as contributions of various sectors to the economy. Kaduna State Gross Domestic Product (KDGDP) aims to estimate the output of the State in local currency using the production approach of GDP computation. Therefore, it captures all final goods and services produced within the State. More importantly, the GDP highlights performing and non-performing sectors of the economy which could be influenced subsequently by policy. The compilation of the State Gross Domestic Product exercise started in 2018 which led to the production of GDP from 2013-2017. Subsequently, the reports for 2018, 2019, and 2020 were produced through further collaborations with the National Bureau of Statistics. This report shows the state’s economic performance for 2021, indicating a year-on-year growth comparison and the
contribution of each economic activity to the economy.

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