2024 Key Indicators: Projected Population: 10.4M, Inflation: 29.05%, Annual School Census: 2.7M

Market Price watch(**/Sold Loose): Kaduna North (Third Week June 2024): Rice Imported (High Quality): N3000, Rice, Agric (Low Quality): N2600, Rice Local:N2000, Beans (White, Black Eye):N2000, Irish Potato (4 Litre Rubber):N4000, Tomato Fresh (4 Litre Rubber):N1000, Onion (4 Litre Rubber):N1500, Pepper Fresh (4 Litre Rubber):N1500,Maize (White):N900, Sorghum(White)N1000, Millet(Gero or Maiwa): N1000, Click for more

Market Price watch(**/Sold Loose): Kaduna South (Third Week June 2024): Rice Imported (High Quality): N2500, Rice, Agric (Low Quality): N2200, Rice Local:N2000, Beans (White, Black Eye):N1800, Irish Potato (4 Litre Rubber):N3500, Tomato Fresh (4 Litre Rubber):N1200, Onion (4 Litre Rubber):N1500, Pepper Fresh (4 Litre Rubber):N3500,Maize (White):N900, Sorghum(White)N900, Millet(Gero or Maiwa): N100, Click for m#ore

Market Price watch(**/Sold Loose): Zaria (Third Week June 2024): Rice Imported (High Quality): N2700, Rice, Agric (Low Quality): N2500, Rice Local:N1800, Beans (White, Black Eye):N1800, Irish Potato (4 Litre Rubber):N3000, Tomato Fresh (4 Litre Rubber):N1000, Onion (4 Litre Rubber):N1500, Pepper Fresh (4 Litre Rubber):N2000,Maize (White):N500, Sorghum(White)N700, Millet(Gero or Maiwa): N800,  Click for more

Market Price watch(**/Sold Loose): Jemma’a (Third Week June 2024): Rice Imported (High Quality): N2500, Rice, Agric (Low Quality): N2200, Rice Local:N1800, Beans (White, Black Eye):N1800, Irish Potato (4 Litre Rubber):N3500, Tomato Fresh (4 Litre Rubber):N2500, Onion (4 Litre Rubber):N2000, Pepper Fresh (4 Litre Rubber):N3500,Maize (White):N650, Sorghum(White)N700, Millet(Gero or Maiwa): N800,  Click for more

Market Price watch(**/Sold Loose): State Average (Third Week June 2024): Rice Imported (High Quality): N2721.74, Rice, Agric (Low Quality): N2352.17, Rice Local:N1830.43, Beans (White, Black Eye):N1660.87, Irish Potato (4 Litre Rubber):N3334.78, Tomato Fresh (4 Litre Rubber):N1469.78, Onion (4 Litre Rubber):N2513.04, Pepper Fresh (4 Litre Rubber):N2956.52,Maize (White):N766.30, Sorghum(White)N784.78, Millet(Gero or Maiwa): N835.87,  Click for more

May 2019 CPI Report

Publication date:

The CPI Year-On-Year Inflation Rate for Kaduna State Stands at -0.71% in May 2019. This was 0.05% higher than the rate recorded in April 2019 (-0.76%). The CPI Month – on – Month basis in Kaduna State shows that the State Index stands at182.76% in May 2019. The Urban Index recorded 183.54%while Rural index recorded 181.29% in May 2019 respectively.

The State CPI Month – on – Month Inflation rate was -1.43% in May 2019, up by 3.12% from -4.55% recorded in April 2019. The Urban Inflation Rate was -3.43% in May 2019, increased by 0.5% from -3.93% recorded in April 2019. The Rural Inflation Rate was -2.32% in May 2019, increased by 0.85% from –3.17% recorded in April 2019.

The Increase of the Month-on-Month inflation rate in May 2019 was as a result of Increase in prices of Potatoes, Yam and Other Tubers, Vegetables, Bread and Cereals, Garments and Meat due to Ramadan fasting period and Sallah preparations. The Top Five Absolute contribution that influenced the Increase of the Month-on-Month May CPI Inflation Rate included: Potatoes, Yam and Other Tubers (6.83) %, Vegetables (-0.45) %, Bread and Cereals (-0.91) %, Garments (0.31) % and Meat (-0.04).

The highest contribution to the Increase of May 2019 Month-on-Month inflation rate was recorded in Potatoes, Yam and Other Tubers(6.83) %. Kaduna State Bureau of Statistics

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